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Gesichtsbehandlung Prenzlauer Berg Berlin

Facial treatment

The perfect glow for every skin type.

Do you want a change for your skin, but just don't know which facial treatment is right for you? Then book our skin analysis for €10. The amount will later be credited to you for your facial treatment.

GlowSolution Gesichtsbehandlung Berlin Prenzlauer Berg

In 4 treatment steps to deeply cleansed skin with a perfect glow.

Reaches all 3 layers of skin


Refine and clear the pores ​


Intensive supply of  ingredients with dynamic impulse massage ​

Immediate push up effect on the skin

ZO Stimulator chemisches Peeling Gesichtsbehandlung Berlin Prenzauer Berg

The chemical peel forms new healthy skin cells with no downtime.

Tightening and smoothing of the top layer of skin


Removal of wrinkles, discoloration or pigment spots ​


Immediate results after your treatment


The stimulator peeling is not painful and does not restrict your daily life.

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